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Health Impact Assessment of Drinking Water Privatization Policy in Germany: Practice and Inspiration (Special Issue, No.25, 2019)


By Chen Zheng, Ma Jun, Gu Lanling, Research Team on “Health Impact Assessment System”, Center for International Knowledge on Development

Research Report, Special Issue, No.25, 2019 (Total 1653) 2019-3-15

Abstract: In 1989, Germany began to discuss health impact assessment, and it was included in the environmental impact assessment in 1992. Since then, Germany has carried out a series of health impact assessments on projects, plans and policies. The health impact assessment of the privatization of the drinking water in North Rhine-Westphalia was led by the North Rhine-Westphalian Institute of Public Health. This paper summarizes three aspects of inspiration for the establishment of the health impact assessment system in China by introducing Germany’s development in health impact assessment system and the process and existing problems of health impact assessment of drinking water privatization in North Rhine-Westphalia. First, we need to choose pilot projects and promote local or industrial legislation. Second, we need to formulate technical guidelines for assessment and establish an assessment index system. Third, we need to use information technology to provide basic data support.

Key words: health impact assessment, drinking water, privatization, Germany
