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From Duality to Integration——The Evolution and Enlightenment of Urban-Rural Relations throughout the 70 Years Since the Founding of the People’s Republic of China (No.73, 2019)


By Jin Sanlin, Research Team on “Institutional Framework and Policy System for Urban and Rural Integration”, Research Department of Rural Economy, DRC

Research Report, No.73, 2019 (Total 5573) 2019-5-17

Abstract: The relationship between urban and rural areas has been changing and evolving since the founding of the People’s Republic of China 70 years ago. The urban-rural dual system was established and consolidated in the early years of the new republic, while abolished after the adoption of the reform and opening-up policy. After the 16th CPC National Congress, we began to coordinate urban and rural development, and promoted the integrated development between urban and rural areas after the 17th CPC National Congress. The 19th CPC National Congress put forward the development strategy of urban-rural integration. Thus the urban-rural relations have been adjusted and improved in a timely manner. The main line of the reform is to clarify the relationship between the government and the market constantly. On the one hand, we have continuously strengthened the government’s function of allocating public resources, promoted the integration of urban and rural infrastructure construction as well as the equalization of public services and enhanced the governance capacity in the rural areas; on the other hand, we have made continuous efforts in pushing ahead the integration of urban and rural commodity markets and factor markets. Currently, China is at an accelerating phase of urban-rural integration. In order to promote urban and rural integration in the new era, we will continue to strike a balance between the government and the market. The market will be given a decisive role in resources allocation, and the government will deliver a better performance at the same time. The relationship between urban and rural areas need to be reshaped in the context of urbanization, realizing complementary functions, achieving coordinated development, and thus jointly facilitating the national modernization.

Key words: urban and rural dual system, urban-rural integration, enlightenment
