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The Green Cycle Industrial Chain Integrating Industry and Agriculture for Agricultural Modernization (No.197, 2019)

( drc ) 2019-12-13

By Xiao Junyan, Research Department of Rural Economy, DRC

Research Report, No.197, 2019 (Total 5697)


Abstract: Linghua Group Limited which produces monosodium glutamate (MSG) in Jining City, east China’s Shandong Province has focused on green development and technological innovation through transforming liquid waste of MSG fermentation into amino acid organic fertilizer and fodder. The company has fully combined its production with agriculture, developing a green cycle industrial chain integrating industry and agriculture and achieving sustainable development as well as agricultural modernization. Through the green cycle industrial chain, it has achieved clean use and disposal of resources, overcoming difficulties of the use of industrial and agricultural waste and helping solve the problem of waste caused by rural production and daily life . The main experience of the practice of Linghua Group Limited is that industry and agriculture can be integrated in agricultural modernization. Overall, it is a key approach towards high-quality development to transform traditional industries into high-tech ones and upgrade traditional agriculture to develop a green cycle industrial chain for full integration of agriculture, industry and commerce as well as the primary, secondary and tertiary industry. To this end, strict public management, gradual improvement of market access and effective supporting policies are needed, which means long-term efforts on both regulation and incentives.

Key words: integration of industry and agriculture, green cycle, agricultural modernization

