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Strengthen and Improve the Medicare Service System for Old People (No.224, 2019)


By Wang Liejun, Ge Yanfeng & Zhang Jiahui, Research Team on "Strategies for Advancing Health-Wellness-Based Old-age Care", Research Department of Social Development, DRC

Research Report, No.224, 2019 (Total 5724) 2019-12-13

Abstract: With the increasing number of old people, the medical and health care system needs to show more concern to the special needs and demand of old people. China needs to strengthen and enhance the medical and health care system in the following aspects. One, the continuity and initiative of medical and health care services need to be enhanced, which include adopting and enhancing multilevel diagnosis and treatment, promoting on-site medical and nursing services; two, the short links in rehabilitation services need to be shored up, and the roles of hospitals, professional rehabilitation institutions, community health service centers and other types of medical institutions needs to be clearly defined so as to establish a tiered and low cost rehabilitation medical care system; three, the cultivation model for nurse training needs to be reformed and nurse qualification system needs to be further divided into different levels so as to adequately staff medical institutions with nurses with good training; four, the medical care security system needs to be improved. Work needs to be done to ensure the role of basic medical service insurance and cover more insurance items such as preventive health care, rehabilitation care services and functional support; and five, the health care education for old people and their families needs to be strengthened and efforts need to be made to intensify the punishment on and attack against false health care information.

Key words: medical care for old people, aging society, health
