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The Eleven Roles the Government Should Play in the Future Transport Change and Reform (No.231, 2019)


By Shi Yaodong, Research Team on "China's Automobile Industry Development Report 2019,"Research Department of Industrial Economy, DRC

Research Report, No.231, 2019 (Total 5731) 2019-12-18

Abstract: The dawn of the transportation change has appeared, which will definitely lead to the profound reform and reconstruction of the policy system of transportation. In combination with the objective development trend of future transportation as well as internal and external situation changes, the existing policy tools and patterns need to be sorted out and analyzed. In the long run, the public policy promoting the future transportation reform need to be positioned as an integrated multi-functional hub, including: the top-level designer and blueprint planner, the maker of regulatory standards, the incubator and user of new technologies, new industries and new forms of business, the maker and executor of industry policies, the infrastructure builder and operation maintainer, the keeper of market order and the supervisor of market behavior, the guardian of the information system, basic data and the financial security, the supervisor of travel transaction system and travel service platform, the advocate and partner of comprehensive strategic partnership, the watchman of the public interest and the provider of public services, and the provider of universal public charitable service as well as personalized special service.

Key words: transportation, government functions, public policy
