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Five Relations Must be Properly Handled to Promote China's Travel Revolution (No.232, 2019)


By Shi Yaodong, Research Team on "Report on the Development of China's Automobile Industry 2019", Research Department of Industrial Economy, DRC

Research Report, No.232, 2019 (Total 5732) 2019-12-28

Abstract: A travel revolution is germinating with "travel is service" as its core concept, and the comprehensive travel revolution in the future will change the current diversified interest pattern. To successfully realize the major changes in ways of future travel, work needs to be done to properly handle the relationship between the government and the market to not only make up for market failures but also coordinate the interest pursuits of different parties, and to keep the bottom line of social, public, overall and long-term interests. Efforts need to be made to appropriately deal with the relationship between social and economic interest, which requires that an everlasting balance between them needs to be found and maintained. Attention also needs to be paid to striking the balance between individual and public interest so as to not only meet the travel needs of the majority, but also satisfy the individual demands of the minority. The interests between the part and the whole should be handled with care to bring out full initiatives of the local governments in the overall planning. Work also needs to be done to properly deal with the relationship between short- and long-term interest, which means that both the short- and long-term goals need to be correspondingly taken into overall consideration, and to adopt short- and long-term means to ensure both short- and long-term effects.

Key words: travel, institutional change, interest relations
