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A Comparative Analysis of Three Typical Policy Scenarios for Future Travel (No.233, 2019)


By Shi Yaodong, Research Team on "China's Automobile Industry Development Report 2019", Research Department of Industrial Economy, DRC

Research Report, No.233, 2019 (Total 5733) 2019-12-19

Abstract:It is necessary for policy makers to analyze the public policy system that the country adopts to meet the opportunities and challenges of future travel as well as the scenarios under different policy mix.This paper selects six dimensions of analysis including economy, efficiency, sustainability, convenience, fairness and safety that affect future travel, and starts with the four perspectives of system platform, supervision platform, innovation platform and promotion platform of public policy, constructs and analyzes three different typical policy scenarios: basic policy scenario, moderate policy scenario and active policy scenario. On this basis, the paper predicts and evaluates the different effects of the reform of transportation policy on the growth of transportation market, the industry development and competition pattern, the pace of policy adjustment, and the priority of innovative activities and technologies. It is concluded that there are great differences among the three different policy scenarios and it will help us form a more complete and future-oriented travel policy system by comparing the differences among them.

Key words: travel, public policy, methodology, scenario comparison
