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Address the Imbalance between Supply and Demand in Facility Agriculture and Improve the Policy on Facility Agricultural Land (No.192, 2020)


By Zhang Yunhua, Research Department of Rural Economy, DRC & Tan Zhixin, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs

Research Report, No.192, 2020 (Total 5936) 2020-7-24

Abstract: Facility agriculture (i.e. protected agriculture) is an important embodiment of agricultural modernization, and the policy of farmland use pertinent to facility agriculture is related to the healthy development of facility agriculture and the effective protection of farmland. Research findings show that there is apparent imbalance between supply and demand in terms of facility agricultural land. In recent years, the policy of facility agricultural land in China has been gradually improved, but there are still some non-defined terms in the formulation as well as improper implementation of the policy. The main problems are the lack of standards for agricultural infrastructure construction and the unclear scope of facility agricultural land. The land use policy and boundary of the integration project of primary, secondary and tertiary industries of agriculture are not clearly defined. The policy on farmland requisition-compensation balance as well as on farmland reclamation is difficult to be put into effect. The relaxation of administrative authority’s powers has increased the difficulty of supervision on farmland protection. To this end, it is necessary to further improve the policies of facility agricultural land, formulate industrial standards and development plans for facility agriculture, innovate and improve the way of facility agricultural land provision, make clear the benchmark on farmland requisition-compensation balance, standardize the implementation of reclamation policies, strengthen the supervision of facility agricultural land, and effectively prevent the risk of illegal occupation of farmland.

Keywords: facility agricultural land, imbalance between supply and demand, farmland protection, policy, improvement
