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Ways on Consolidating China’s Poverty Alleviation Achievements during the 14th Five-Year Plan Period: Improving Stable Operation of For-Profit Poverty Alleviation Assets (No.233, 2020)


By Ye Xingqing, Yin Haodong, Cheng Yu & Zhao Junchao, Research Department of Rural Economy, DRC

Research Report, No.233, 2020 (Total 5977) 2020-9-28

Abstract: The large amount of poverty alleviation assets accumulated through various channels during poverty alleviation drive, including for-profit poverty alleviation assets, have played an important role in improving the income of poor households and boosting collective economic development of poverty-stricken villages in China. But there are some issues to be addressed. For instance, the base number of poverty alleviation assets is unclear, it is difficult to clarify the ownership of property rights and the number of qualified local management personnel is insufficient. In addition, weak abilities against market risks, deficient distribution mechanisms and lack of unified national management approaches are also problems to be solved. After achieving decisive progress in poverty alleviation work, related departments need to introduce national-level guidelines on poverty alleviation asset management and regulate the management of operating assets for poverty alleviation in order to promote stable operation of the assets and continue to bring the role of the assets into full play. The relevant departments need to accelerate all-round review of for-profit assets for poverty alleviation and clarify the ownership of property rights, improve the operation and management system of for-profit assets, establish a sound asset and income distribution system, improve the supervision and audit system of poverty alleviation assets and enhance awareness in relation to risk prevention and control pertinent to for-profit assets.

Keywords: poverty alleviation achievements, poverty alleviation assets, the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025)
