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Promoting Two-Way Openness between Urban and Rural areas to Smooth the Domestic Circulation (No.262, 2020)


By Ye Xingqing, Research Department of Rural Economy, DRC

Research Report, No.262, 2020 (Total 6006) 2020-11-4

Abstract: The gap between urban and rural development and the two-way flow of factors of production are still prominent problems in China. To narrow the gap between urban and rural development and unblock the urban-rural circulation bottlenecks, we need to promote two-way opening-up and smooth the channels for farmers to enter urban areas and citizens rural areas as soon as possible. In order to absorb farmers into urban areas, the urban governments need to change their mindset, regarding migrant population as resources for development, shift the focus of citizenship naturalization of migrant workers to improving their sense of gain and benefits, and establish and flesh out the incentive mechanism of “more migrant people, more money, and more land”. In order to improve urban citizens’ access to the countryside, we need to further increase the openness of contracted land property right structure with the aim of stabilizing the expectation of management entities and promoting sustainable scale operation. Aiming at optimizing the population structure and ensuring the demand for self-housing of migrant people, we need to expand the openness of the property right structure of rural homestead in an orderly manner. To improve the allocation efficiency and develop the rural industry, we need to further increase the openness of the property right structure of the collective rural construction land.

Keywords: domestic circulation, farmers flowing to cities, citizens flowing to rural areas
