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Survey Report on the Development of Kindergartens in 2020 (No.297, 2020)


By She Yu, Research Department of Social Development, DRC, Gao Bingcheng, National Institute of Education Sciences, and Cao Qiting, Changsha Social Work College

Research Report, No.297, 2020 (Total 6041) 2020-12-11

Abstract: It is shown through this questionnaire that general kindergartens have a higher coverage of kids and tend to concentrate around rural areas. These kindergartens have adequate funds and buildings, but vary in the employees’ salary and lack adequate facilities. They are mainly headed by females, with continuously improved professional capabilities and an income level above the median of urban and rural residents nationwide. A high percentage of these kindergarten principals are insured through social securities, but to different extent varying with the public or private type. Childcare workers and teachers in general kindergartens are insufficient in number compared with the need of the number of children; different kindergartens differ in the number, proficiency, professional titles and personnel stability of teachers; teachers’ average income is lower than the median of national urban and rural level; and self-funded capital is their main source of training fees for teachers in kindergartens. Government attention is the chief factor in kindergarten development, as government and social forces provide assorted assistance to kindergartens during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is suggested that the certification standards for general private kindergartens need to be improved, financial support to them need to be increased, the coverage of training and exchanges for young principals and teachers need to be expanded, and a professional title appraisal system for teachers in general private kindergartens need to be set up.

Keywords: kindergartens, development, survey on universality and affordability
