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Make More Financial Input in Childcare Projects for Sustainable Development and Everlasting Prosperity -- An overview of foreign participants’ views made during the 7th International Symposium on Anti-Poverty and Children Development (No.293, 2021)


By Du Zhixin, Qie Yi & Wang Yixiao, China Development Research Foundation

Research Report, No.293, 2021 (Total 6358) 2021-10-9

Abstract: Representatives attending the 7th International Symposium on Anti-Poverty and Children Development (hereinafter referred to as the symposium) highly confirmed China’s achievements in its poverty alleviation and children’s early-stage development work and called on governments around the world to make further input in children’s development projects, promote international exchanges and cooperation and strive for the earlier realization of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. Based on the major views expressed by foreign participants at this symposium, this paper notes that children’s early-stage development serves as one the most important cornerstones for the sustainable development agenda. Considering the negative impact induced by the COVID-19 epidemic on anti-poverty and children’s development drive, representatives at the meeting held that more input in children’s early-stage development was needed and greater efforts were required to give full play to the role of school nutrition as a part of the social security network. With regard to these views, we need to increase the input in children’s early-stage development and incorporate it into the national strategies to realize the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and rural revitalization; we need to work vigorously to enhance the level of human capital in rural areas at home; we need to shore up the nutrition and health management for children in poverty-stricken areas; and we need to push ahead with international exchanges and cooperation and share China’s experience with the world peers.

Keywords: children’s early-stage development, 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, rural revitalization
