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Li Zuojun leads survey group to Changsha


Li Zuojun, deputy director of Research Institute of Resources and Environment Policies, led a survey group to Changshan to inspect on green development work of the city from May 14 to 17.

Lv Wei speaks about the economy and structural reform


Lu Wei, Director-General of the Techno-economic Research Dept of DRC, gave a lecture on the “Current economic situation and structural reforms in China” at the in Jiangsu provincial NPC standing committee on May 5.

UN human development official at DRC


Selim Jahan, the director of the United Nations’ Human Development Office gave a lecture on human development and research on sustainable development as part of the UN’s “2030 Agenda”at DRC.

Li Wei leads survey group to Fujian


DRC president Li Wei led a survey group to Fujian province to inspect economic reform work from May 11 to 13. He was received by Yu Weiguo, Party secretary and governor of Fujian province.

Cheng Huiqiang leads survey group to Guangdong


Cheng Huiqiang, researcher and assistant director of the Resources and Environmental Policy Research Institute, led a survey group to Qingyuan and Foshan in Guangdong province from April 28 to 30.

Wang Yiming leads a survey group to Spain and the Czech Republic


Wang Yiming led a survey group to Spain and the Czech Republic to study the “Belt and Road” initiative application and its financial support from April 20 to 27.

Zhang Laiming leads survey group to Jiangsu


Zhang Laiming, deputy director of DRC, led a survey group to several villages in Nanjing and Changzhou in Jiangsu province to study progress of “Beautiful Villages” construction work from April 25 to 26.

Zhang Laiming meets with Alain Noudehou


On May 6, Zhang Laiming met with Mr. Alain Noudehou.
