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Industrial Economy

Steel industry tends to revelop in a rational manner and market performance semains stable


Since the second quarter of 2004, over investment in the steel industry has been subdued. Steel prices tend to be stabilized. Effects of macro-control policies are obvious.

China’s strategies in taking on the international relocating service industry


The international service industry is relocating; China can take a good part in it in the long run, although the short-run expectation is restricted.

Challenges facing China in taking on the relocating international service industry


From the angle of the multi-national companies who are relocating their service industry, China is facing challenges in terms of competitiveness in receiving business.

Speeding up tourist industry in western development


The Gansu Province tourist industry is taken as a case to illustrate the importance of this sector in western development.

Analysis on steel market in China in the first quarter of 2004


The total volume of output and import of steel both increased by a big margin in the first quarter of 2004; the general price level is still picking up.

Beijing auto industry development in the new era: advantages, challenges and government functions


The development of Beijing auto industry development in the new era and the formulation of industrial policies will be restrained by some outside factors.

Whether economic nverheating or a New phase for industrialization


There are three kinds of views with regard to the present economic performance: it is already overheating; there are signs of overheating, but not yet overheating; generally speaking it is normal, but is overheating in some sectors.

The opening of basic industries requires deepening government institutional reform


The government institutional reform provides important conditions for the opening of basic industries.
