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28th China-Japan Forum on Exchange of Economic Knowledge is held in Hefei


The 28th Annual Meeting of China-Japan Forum on Exchange of Economic Knowledge was successfully held in Hefei City

Vice President Liu meets with NRI Vice Chairman


Liu Shijin met with Mr. Takashi Narusawa, Vice Chairman and Representative Director of Nomura Research Institute (NRI) and the NRI delegation from Japan

ESPCP makes a success in 2008


the Economic and Social Policy Consulting Program 2008 successfully held in Beijing and Hebei Province

ESPCP 2008 makes a success


The Economic and Social Policy Consulting Program (ESPCP) 2008 was successfully conducted

Vice President Liu meets with OECD guests


Dr. Liu Shijin met with a delegation headed by Mr. Richard Herd from Economics Department of Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

DRC President Zhang Yutai visits Republic of Korea and Japan


A DRC delegation led by President Zhang Yutai visited Japan and Korea on May 14-23

President Zhang Yutai meets with think tank representatives from Australia and ASEAN countries


DRC President Zhang Yutai met in Beijing with senior representatives of think tanks from Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore and Vietnam

Exchange of international views on 30 Years' reform in China


Thirty Years of Chinese Reform in Global Perspective was convened in Beijing on April 27
