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DRC Delegation Led by President Li Wei visits Czech, Croatia and Bulgaria


the DRC delegation headed by President Li Wei visited Czech, Croatia and Bulgaria

Vice President Liu Shijin meets with the Delegation of People’s Party from European Parliament


Vice President Liu Shijin met with the delegation of People’s Party from European Parliament

Two 2013 Programs for Developing Countries hail Success


April 7 and July 4 witnessed respectively the successful conclusion of VSLIC and PPCDE

DRC-Nomura Seminar is held in Xiamen


the seminar on “Effects and Prospects of Securities: Facing the Shifting of China’s Economic Growth Mode” was held in Xiamen

President Li Wei meets with French Commissioner General for Policy Planning


DRC President Mr. Li Wei met with Mr. Jean PISANI-FERRY

Inception Workshop on International Cooperative Study “Logistics System Development for Agricultural Products” is held in Beijing


the Inception Workshop on the ADB TA project Logistics System Development for Agricultural Products was Held in Beijing

RAND President Michael Rich Delivered a Speech at DRC


RAND President Mr. Michael Rich delivered a speech at DRC

China Development Forum 2013 is held in Beijing


China Development Forum 2013 was held on March 23-25, 2013 at Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing
