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Baby boom comes with rocketing diaper sales in Xiamen

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2014-04-15

Speculations that Fujian province will loosen its family planning policy have been confirmed. But sales figures for diapers show that thrilled mothers in Xiamen have started preparations for the sensational news a long time ago.

Baby boom comes with rocketing diaper sales in Xiamen

A woman selets diapers for her child at a supermarket in Xiamen. [fj.china.com.cn]

The so-called second child policy – allowing families to have a second child if either spouse is an only child – was approved by the Standing Committee of the Fujian Provincial People’s Congress at a meeting in late March, ending three months of speculation on when it will be officially put into effect in the East China province.

But the mommies moved faster.

Throughout the first quarter, the customs department imported 142 batches of diapers worth $5.55 million, a year-on-year increase of 2.84 times and 3.38 times, respectively, statistics from the municipal quarantine and inspection bureau showed.

In contrast, Xiamen imported 295 batches of diapers worth $11 million for the whole of last year.

Local newspaper Southeast Express estimated around 340,000 packs of foreign-brand diapers descended on Xiamen in the first three months, enough for the needs of up to 14,100 babies in the city, with only around 8,000 newborns for last year.

Given that a considerable amount of mothers bought diapers through overseas purchasing agents, the diaper sales are believed to be more astounding, said the newspaper.

But parents crazy for foreign brands were also dampened with quality problems. As many as 122 batches of imported diapers, or 41 percent of the total volume, failed to pass quality inspections because they didn’t carry Chinese tags, which are supposed to mark production information.

Experts have suggested foreign-brand diapers present certificates issued by quarantine and inspection authorities for safety concerns.

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