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Dozens breastfeed in public to promote mom's milk

( whatsonxiamen )

Updated: 2015-05-19

More than 80 mothers were seen breastfeeding in public in Fuzhou city in order to promote the benefits of breastfeeding and allow the practice to become more socially acceptable.

Dozens breastfeed in public to promote mom's milk

According to NetEase, the event was organized by the Fujian Breastfeeding Association and involved an exhibition of breastfeeding pictures and paintings.

The event was held four days in advance of National Day of Breastfeeding, which takes place each year on May 20.

Earlier in 2013, some pro-breastfeeding demonstrators in bikinis gathered at the Luhou Checkpoint in Shenzhen holding signs advocating the use of breast milk. Slogans included: "Milk powder is finite, a mother's love is infinite" and "You don't need foreign milk powder, you just need breast milk."

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