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Book commemorates Fujian CPC model

By Xiang Wenjian ( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2017-10-18

A book featuring Party model Liao Junbo's story was launched in Fuzhou, provincial capital of Southeast China's Fujian province, on Oct 17.

Entitled Never Forgetting Original Faith, the book uses illustrations to depict Liao's loyalty to the Party and selfless devotion to duty throughout his life.

From 2011 to 2015, Liao served as the Party chief of Fujian's Zhenghe County, where he pushed forward economic development that eventually helped more than 30,000 people shake off poverty within less than four years.

Liao died at the age of 48 in a traffic accident while heading to a meeting on March 18. At that time Liao was vice mayor of Fujian's Nanping County.

In his political career of 20 or more years, Liao remained a humble public servant at the grassroots level.

In June, this year, the CPC Central Committee decided to posthumously honor Liao as an "outstanding CPC member" and exhorted all Party members to follow his example.

Book commemorates Fujian CPC model

Never Forgetting Original Faith, a book that recalls Fujian Party model Liao Junbo's political life, is launched in Fuzhou, provincial capital of Southeast's Fujian province. [Photo/Xinhua]


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