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Ferry services between Taiwan's Kinmen and Xiamen in Chinese mainland
Updated: 2010-04-19

Direct shipping services are established on a daily basis between Taiwan's Kinmen and Xiamen in Fujian province.

Direct travel between mainland China and Kinmen was opened in 2002, and there has been extensive tourism development on the island in anticipation of mainland tourists. Direct travel was suspended in 2003 as a result of the SARS outbreak, but has since resumed. Many Taiwanese businesspeople use this link to enter the Chinese mainland.

Specific timetable


 From Xiamen to Kinmen

From Kinmen to Xiamen 

 9:00 am

 Xin Ji Mei

 Orient Star

10:00 am 

Tongan Ferry

 New Golden Dragon

 11:00 am

Jie'an Ferry 

 Marco Polo

 12:00 am

Orient Star 

 Xin Ji Mei

 13:00 am

  New Golden Dragon

 Tong'an Ferry

 14:00 am

Marco Polo 

 Jie'an Ferry

 14:45 am

Tong'an Ferry 

New Golden Dragon

 15:30 am

Wuyuan Ferry 

Golden Star 

 16:15 am

 New Golden Dragon 

Tong'an Ferry 

 17:00 am

Golden Star  

Wuyuan Ferry 
