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Clothing of Miao ethnic group

Updated: 2015-01-07

Clothing of Miao ethnic group

Today, the clothing of women in the Miao ethnic group are mostly weaved with fibre and cotton or silk. The dresses are painted with red, blue and yellow stripes, which is said to symbolize the Jinhe River, Yangtze River and Yellow River. In addition, they are embroidered and painted in the shape of an animal and plant or abstract geometric patterns. Each woman keeps a splendid dress, which is usually worn only twice in their lifetime, once for marriage and once for burial.

They pin wooden combs or bamboo combs into their hair and wear silver earrings, silver necklets (mostly with locks) and silver bracelets. Around their waste, they wear belts woven with wide thick fiber or cotton threads, mostly with silver beads and silver chains.

