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Hebei takes harsh efforts to curb pollution

About 21 severe pollution cases have been put under the supervision of the provincial environmental protection bureau, indicating that Hebei is making more efforts to crack down on pollution.

The companies in these cases discharge pollutants into the environment. They involve the steel, mineral processing, clothing and chemical industries, according to an announcement released by the Hebei Environmental Protection Bureau on May 13.

Many companies started production while pollution treatment facilities were under construction or suspended. Some started production even though facilities did not pass examinations from the environment supervision authority. What’s worse, some discharged pollutants through seepage pits or underground pipes.

In addition, another 22 companies were required to stop pollution and improve treatment facilities within a certain period. The requirements also involve the steel, mining and papermaking industries. The companies failed to meet the standards of dust removal equipment, discharging sewage illegally and conducting other prohibited practices that pollute the surrounding environment.

Another 11 companies received administrative punishments due to similar illegal operations.

"We did make some progress during this round of comprehensive regulation of companies discharging pollutants, yet many problems were exposed as well," said Yin Guangping, deputy director of the provincial environmental protection authority, adding that some local governments did not make enough effort to reduce pollution. They also did not get a whole picture of pollution due to poor supervision and cooperation among multi-departments. They did not perform well and some small companies illegally emitted pollutants.

Following requirements from the Ministry of Environment Protection, Hebei will conduct a thorough survey on polluting companies and the basic situation of seepage wells, pits and other facilities by the end of May. Local governments will then release treatment plans to improve the environment and repair destroyed seepage wells and pits.

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