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Hebei brings in more talented personnel in last three years

Hebei province has invited more than 4000 high-level people in the 2010 – 2013 period through a hiring plan, authorities report, with an increase of 4 percent in the 2010 – 11 period, 8 percent in 2011-12, and 13 percent the last year, with the figures continuing to rise.

Contributing to this have been the Career Fair of High-level Talented People in China and Abroad, High-level Talent Career Fair of Hebei Costal Economic Zones, and a Job Meeting of the Capital Green Economy Zone, with 21 percent of the people coming from key universities as part of the of 985 and 211 projects and 11 percent from the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Reasons for coming to Hebei include a career move, and for greeter development prospects in the future, and 49 percent of those surveyed have a master’s degree and 10 percent, a PhD and 39 percent with experience in operations and management and other professional skills.

The most attractive places are the health care industry, universities, and scientific research institutes and to some degree, equipment manufacturing and other industries, what with the economic development of Hebei.

The province's talent introduction approach, especially for key technical personnel, is to sign technical cooperation, project cooperation, an technology consulting contracts, with 22 percent of talented personnel coming for technical cooperation, one of the most important parts of the province’s hiring.

Different cities across the province have different approaches to the talent question and, likewise, different people have different preference when it comes to the cities, with Langfang being the most popular among all major cities and Shjiazhuang, the capital, coming in at second place with its university, scientific research institute and key enterprise advantages, followed by Tangshan, Cangzhou, Qinhuangdao, and costal cities, all of which have attracted talented people as the government emphasizes the importance of coastal economic development.

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