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Six Nanyang college contestants awarded

Updated: 2019-05-10

Six Nanyang college contestants awarded

Xu Equ's Stone Engraving, 111 cm x71 cm, Lixianggong village in eastern Nanyang city, collected by the Nanyang Han Dynasty Art Museum.

Nanyang is famous not only for its Chinese roses and jade carving, but also for its Han dynasty art.

Six contestants from Nanyang Industrial College recently won awards at the first Chinese Han Dynasty Art Rubbing Symposium and Rubbing Technique Exhibition held in Changzhou, Jiangsu province, Nanyang Daily reported.

A rubbing is a copy of writing or a design on a piece of stone or metal that is made by placing a piece of paper over it and rubbing with chalk , a pencil, or similar utensils.

The symposium and exhibition was co-hosted by the Chinese Institute of Han Dynasty Art and the Chen Liusheng Art Museum.

The Chinese Han Dynasty Art Association selected 33 contestants from 187 domestic applicants for the competition by online preliminary evaluation in mid-April.

Nanyang Industrial College's six contestants including teachers and students participated in the competition, taking home one second prize, four third prizes and one performance prize.

The college was the member of the Chinese Han Dynasty Art Association that has won the most prizes.


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