
Changsha county government departments

Updated: 2014-07-25

Government office

Development and reform bureau

Industry and informatization dept

Education dept

Science and technology and intellectual property dept

Housing and urban and rural construction dept

Civil affairs bureau

Finance dept

Human resource and social security dept

Land resources bureau

Environmental protection dept

Transportation bureau

Water supply dept

Agricultural bureau

Forestry bureau

Commerce bureau

Culture, sports, and radio and TV bureau

Health bureau

Population and family planning bureau

Audit bureau

Urban and rural planning bureau

Work safety administration

Food and drug administration

City management and law enforcement bureau


Changsha seeks to revive porcelain production

In recent years, the local government has sought to revive the region's long tradition in porcelain making and boost local industry with the cultural influence of ancient Tongguan kilns, which have a history of 1,200 years.

Contact Us

Tel: +86(0731)-8401-8486

Add: No.19, Kaiyuan Rd, Xingsha, Changsha county
