
Ten cuisines you mustn't miss in Changsha

Updated: 2016-08-03

Griddled chicken with peppers (gan guo ji)

Ten cuisines you mustn't miss in Changsha
Griddled chicken with peppers [Photo/ Changsha.com.cn]

This dish popular among locals is not only rich in nutrition but also a flavorful pot of crispy, sour, spicy and colorful surprises. The crispy griddled chicken is mixed with soft carrots, celery, lotus root and other vegetables that melt in the mouth. The unique smoky flavor of this dish comes from the chili oil and various spice extracts.

Changsha seeks to revive porcelain production

In recent years, the local government has sought to revive the region's long tradition in porcelain making and boost local industry with the cultural influence of ancient Tongguan kilns, which have a history of 1,200 years.

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