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Inner Mongolia rewarding its 'most beautiful' dairy men


Updated: 2016-07-05

Inner Mongolia, one of China's major dairy regions, announced, on July 4, that it is looking to celebrate its "most beautiful" dairy farmers -- those with high morals, good character, professional skills and distinguished achievements -- to highlight the glory and beauty of this type of work.

The announcement came at an event in the capital city, Hohhot, hosted by the Diary Times newspaper, China's Dairy Cattle magazine, the Inner Mongolia Diary association, and the dairycn.com website, with help from the Diary Association of China.

This is the second time for the region to hold such an event and the organizers say they hope it can give the dairy farmers a chance to communicate more with each other and learn from each other.

Project demonstrates success in Inner Mongolia

Journalists from 58 web media companies around China visited Inner Mongolian villages between July 3 and July 8 to learn about the effect the “Ten Coverages” project has had after two years of implementation.

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