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Kunshan cuisine: the best bites of autumn

Updated : 2016-09-08

Kunshan cuisine: the best bites of autumn

Stir-fried shrimp meat with wild rice stem [Photo/bamskitchen.com]

Wild rice stem (Chinese: 茭白)

In season: from mid-September to early November

Wild rice stem, also known as water bamboo, is commonly grown in South China and other Asian countries and can grow from 1.2 to 2.4 meters in height. The plant grows in shallow water, with fully elongated leaves measuring from 30 to 60 centimeters in length.

As a traditional Chinese recipe for balancing yin and yang, this sweet-tasting food can help nourish the liver, spleen and lungs, relieve heat, relieve thirst, promote urination and can help induce bowel movements.

The stem can be sliced and eaten raw, while more flavor will be added if it is stir-fried, especially with shredded pork or shrimp meat. The gluten-free and diary-free dish can be on the table in less than 30 minutes, with just a bit of preparation . The dish has lots of warming ginger and garlic, which is an antioxidant. It can also help keep you healthy during the cold and flu season.



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