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China wins Malaysian international airport express deal


The China Changchun Railway Vehicles Company won a contract to supply 24 rail cars for Kuala Lumpur’s airport express system on Tuesday, Nov 25.

Kuala Lumpur’s Department of Transportation said that these vehicles catered for the city’s special weather conditions.

The department went on to explain that Kuala Lumpur is located near the equator with a long-term rainy season and with frequent thunder and lighting.

The Chinese Vehicles Co is a State-owned enterprise that is considered to be the country’s leading rail car makers.

The project would be similar to those trains that travel on “Eurostar”, a high-speed railway service connecting London with Paris and Brussels.

The new cars are needed to connect the city center with the international airport.

The first cars are expected to be delivered in 2016, and should help increase the transportation system’s capacity and decrease the time from the CBD to the airport.

Previously, China Changchun Railway Vehicles Co, along with another Chinese rail car manufacturer, won a $567 million contract to supply 284 rail cars for the subway in Boston, the U.S.

