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Wedding 'out on road' for young people in NE China


The city of Siping, in Jilin province is reporting that a growing number of young couples are choosing to have their wedding "out on road", as an alternative to the old traditional approach, according to a chinajilin.com report of Sept 14, explaining that it saves money and energy, and is simpler and more economical.

In fact, it's a sort of merger of wedding and honeymoon all rolled into one, and allows young couples to personalize the ceremony out there - somewhere.

One couple who employed this approach, Zhang Qin and Jiang Wei, described their thinking, "We're planning to have a wedding tour of Xiamen where we met for the first time, and, this way we can use the banquet money for a better honeymoon."

Naturally, some parents are not happy about this new phenomenon, but others are coming to accept it, for example, as Mrs Zhang, whose daughter just returned from her wedding tour, says, "At first I just couldn't agree, but gradually I did and they went to five cities like Lijiang and Dali and it cost less than 20,000 yuan ($3,140)!"

These kinds of parents seem to think that as long as young couples are happy and like to do it this way, they'll support them.

Mr Qu, from Shanghai says proudly that his son and daughter-in-law are planning to have a wedding tour abroad, and, "I agreed because it can save a lot of trouble like having a banquet, and they can enjoy the happy time even better."
