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  • 'Loving Jilin' social media competition


    Jilin province is holding a "Loving Jilin" social media competition for expats studying or working in the province or for anyone who has had some experience here, in recognition of the foreigners who have played a positive role in education and innovation here or those who have even established families and settled down here.

  • First hybrid train on track for testing


    CRRC Changchun Railway Vehicles Co will test the country's first hybrid-power train next month, project officials said on Thursday.

  • Jilin expects 'industrial boom' from innovation and upgrading


    Northeast China's Jilin province will experience an "industrial boom" driven by the country's initiative to promote innovation and upgrade industry, officials said.

  • China telescope development breakthrough


    At the Chinese Academy of Sciences' Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics in Jilin province, scientists have just produced a silicon carbide mirror blank more than 4-meters in diameter that is the main element of large telescopes for exploring the outer reaches of the universe.

  • Company reaps profit despite slower product demand


    Overcapacity in the industry, the economic slowdown and weakening market demand in the past three years have aggravated uncertainties and risks to the company's operation. To overcome these difficulties, the company has raised its employees' awareness of possible crises, improved its management and boosted innovation.

  • Well preserved early kiln site unearthed in Jilin


    Archaeologists from the Jilin provincial Relics and Archaeology Institute have reported finding a well-preserved kiln site from almost 800 years ago, near the city of Baishan, at the Chengsijiazi site with pottery shards and pits from the Liao (916-1125) and Jin (1115-1234) dynasties.
