Ningbo holds 2nd place in public service ranking

Updated :2015-12-29

Ningbo ranked second among 38 major cities in China with a score of 63.48 for public service, according to the newly released 2015 Public Service Bluebook.

The bluebook published by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences is based on comprehensive survey and evaluation of public services in the 38 cities.

Ningbo ranked second in public transport, public security and public health and ranked third in compulsory education, social welfare, employment, culture and sports. It also scored high in public housing and government services.

The city launched a public service website last year and handled most of the applications in need of official approvals through the online portal this year, more than other cities in the province.

The Ningbo government also put on the website its power list, the list of its responsibilities, and the negative list for investment. It will make more public services available online in the near future.
