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Technicians check tram designed for high-altitude region in Qingdao

China's first tram that will be used on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau rolled off the production line on May 9 in Qingdao.

Automated port terminal in Qingdao handles 790,000 TEUs within first year

The fully automated container terminal at the Port of Qingdao, has handled over 790,000 TEUs (twenty-foot equivalent units) within one year after its operation.

SCO members vow to enhance cooperation in anti-drug battle

Anti-drug authorities from member countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Thursday pledged to enhance cooperation, as drug manufacturing and smuggling have spread across the world.

Making China into a truly great movie power

The industrialization of China's film sector was a major topic of discussion at the recent 8th Beijing International Film Festival.

Plan for SCO demonstration zone in Qingdao unveiled

The development plan of the first demonstration zone for the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) has been initially completed, which was announced on May 14.

Tech helps companies branch out to lift sales

Robust development of the digital economy and services sector in the coastal city of Qingdao, Shandong province, has improved people's lives and seen a number of local enterprises that diversified their product ranges enjoy increased sales.

Logistics key to city's global outreach

Qingdao has made remarkable progress in upgrading logistics facilities in recent years and linking them with member countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. And with this year's SCO summit to be held in the port city next month, it is bringing even more positive attention and business opportunities for Qingdao as well as organization members, an official said.

Qingdao plans frugal SCO summit

Port city actively renovating existing buildings for next month's gathering, Party chief says
