Chinese sailor E Xianghong is hungry by name and hungry by nature.
Round the World Qingdao crew members learn to make glutinous rice balls at a local bakery in the eastern coastal city of Qingdao.
Five more yachts arrived in Qingdao on Friday, thus all 11 yachts finished Race 8 of 2017-18 the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race.
Qingdao has arrived home to a triumphant welcome at the brand-new Wanda Yacht Club in West Coast New Area of Qingdao.
The yacht Qingdao arrived at its home port on Thursday afternoon, ranking fifth in Race 8 of the 2017-18 Clipper Round the World Yacht Race.
Visit Seattle pulled off a sensational victory after a dramatic twist on Thursday in Race 8 of 2017-18 the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race.
The seventh Clipper Round the World Yacht Race Stopover in Qingdao is set to be one of the biggest.
Robin Knox-Johnston, founder of the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race, is confident China will one day have a skipper in the race.