Xia Mingjiu visits Poland, Hungary, and Sweden


Updated: 2016-10-19

Xia Mingjiu visits Poland, Hungary, and Sweden

The delegation visits KTH Royal Institute of Technology. [photo/safea.gov.cn]

Xia Mingjiu visits Poland, Hungary, and Sweden

The delegation visits Warsaw University of Science and Technology. [photo/safea.gov.cn]

Xia Mingjiu, deputy administrator of the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs, visited Poland, Hungary, and Sweden from September 18 to 27. Xia’s delegation visited Jagiellonian University, the Warsaw University of Science and Technology, Corvinus University of Budapest, E?tv?s Loránd University, the University of Gothenburg, the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, and the Swedish International Development Authority.

Xia Mingjiu visits Poland, Hungary, and Sweden

The delegation visits E?tv?s Loránd University. [photo/safea.gov.cn]

The delegation introduced China’s new policies and cooperation channels to attract foreign talents, and learned about the distribution of high quality education and high-level foreign experts in these countries.

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