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Application Rules on Advanced Scientific Technology Award of Jiading District

( ) 2013-07-05

Application Rules on Advanced Scientific Technology Award of Jiading District

Application Conditions & Criteria

The Advanced Scientific Technology Award of Jiading District is presented to award outstanding persons and organizations that make great contributions to scientific innovation in the district. The applicants shall be enterprises or institutes registered in Jiading district, or persons working for the legally registered enterprises or institutes.

The applied project shall be developed and applied in Jiading district, as there is no dispute on the ownership. Moreover, the applied project shall have gained obvious economic or social effect and contributed in promoting scientific development in the industry. The applicant shall provide various certificates showing technology evaluation results.

Application Materials

A person applying shall provide several written materials to the district science administration. The materials include an application form, ID card, registration certificate and application approval of the working unit, certificate of copyrights, the conclusion report of the project, the novelty report from administration and other materials needed.

An organization or institute applying shall provide an application form, the copyright certificate, registration certificate, certificates on the economic and social benefits of the applied project, tax payment certificates, the conclusion report of the project, the novelty report from administration and other materials needed.

The application materials shall be handled to the administration of the same level of the applicant.

Award Selection

The Advanced Scientific Technology Award of Jiading District is divided into four categories -- technology development projects, public benefit projects, key projects and soft scientific achievements. Each field includes three award levels, depending on the project quality.

The evaluation group is composed of 15-19 judges, including experts in various areas and administration officials. The selection result will be announced to the public for 15 days, so anyone can raise objections to the result with written materials.

According to the rules, the entire number of prizes awarded shall not be more than 30. All the first prize winners of the four kinds of awards will be awarded 100,000 yuan. The second prize will be 50,000 yuan and the third prize will be 30,000 yuan.

The number of first prize winners shall not be more than two. The number of second prize winners shall not be more than eight, and the number of the third prize winners shall not be more than 20.

All the winners of the Advanced Scientific Technology Award will be recommended to apply for the Shanghai Scientific Technology Award.

Shanghai Jiading District Scientific Technology Committee



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