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Exhibition Hall of the Life of Gu Weijun (Wellington Koo)

( ) 2013-07-09

Exhibition Hall of the Life of Gu Weijun (Wellington Koo)

Brief introduction to the Exhibition Hall of the Life of Gu Weijun (Wellington Koo): Gu Weijun (1888-1985) was a native of Jiading and a famous diplomat. He served as the prime minister and foreign minister of the Republic of China.

In 1919, he attended the Paris Peace Conference as a member of the Chinese delegation and refused to sign the Peace Treaty of Paris. On display at the exhibition hall are his life stories, materials and some articles he used.

Telephone: 86 (21) 59529530

Address: No 349 South Street, Jiading Town, Jiading District

Ticket Price: 5 yuan



Guyi Garden becomes digital scenic spot

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