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Cosma Automotive (Shanghai) Ltd

( ) 2013-07-12

The company is the first joint-venture subsidiary established in China by Cosma, the world's largest automotive metal forming supplier. It specializes in automotive body and chassis systems, and takes the leading edge in A-class stamping and integration and in heat forming technology. The company boasts technological know-how, advanced production processes and equipment, and sophisticated test equipment.

Cosma has been repeatedly rated as the best global supplier, and its Shanghai subsidiary has also developed rapidly. Since the Shanghai company was established in 2005, it has 150 employees and operates six projects simultaneously. Its customers include Shanghai GM, Chang'an Ford, Beijing Mercedes-DaimslerChrysler and Faw-Audi.

Address: 3815 Jiasong North Road, Anting Town, Jiading District, Shanghai



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