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Shanghai LEAR STEC Automotive Parts Ltd

( ) 2013-07-12

Lear Corporation, located in the city of Southfield in the US state of Michigan, is one of the world's largest suppliers of automotive interior systems and components. At the same time, it is a Fortune 500 enterprise and one of Fortune’s best employers in America. It is a leader in integrated module technology for auto interior trim systems.

Lear China was established in September 1997 and has a representative office in Shanghai. So far, Lear has established 14 joint-venture or wholly-owned productive enterprises in China, respectively, in Shanghai, Nanjing, Wuhan, Chongqing, Shenyang, Nanchang, Xiangfan, Shiyan and Changchun. Its product lines include seats, door panels, interior trims, dashboards, roofs, flooring and acoustic components, and electric and electronic products.

As a result of its continuous business expansion in China, Lear China established a joint venture, Shanghai Lear STEC Automotive Parts Ltd in Shanghai in November 2003.

Address: 1111 Taishun Road, Anting Town, Jiading District, Shanghai



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