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Opinions on Developing Economy of Headquarters in Jiading District

( ) 2013-07-26

Promoting and developing an economy of headquarters is considered an important measure to promote the development of Jiading's modern service industry and perfect the industrial structure, as this opinion is established to attract more international corporations to set up regional headquarters in Jiading district.

Supporting Objects

1. Regional headquarters of foreign capital enterprises certified at the State or city level, which were certificated by the Ministry of Commerce and established in Jiading after July 7, 2008

2. Regional department headquarters of foreign capital institutes registered in Jiading district after July 7, 2008. The total assets of the parent company shall not be less than $200 million, as the number of its subsidiaries shall not be less than three, including one trans-regional enterprise. The headquarters itself shall be an independent legal entity, as the registered capital shall be more than $2 million.

Financial Support

1. For those headquarters of State-certified enterprises, the local government will grant full-amount support on tax payments for the first three years since the certifying day, and grant half-amount support for the second three years.

2. For those headquarters of city-certified enterprises, the local government will grant full-amount support on tax payments for the first two years since the certifying day, and grant half-amount support for the next three years.

3. For those headquarters of district-certified enterprises, the local government will grant full-amount support on tax payments for the first year since the certifying day, and grant half-amount support for the next two years.

Support for Newly-Established Headquarters

1. For newly-established headquarters of foreign capital firms certified at the State or city level, the supporting measures will follow the regulations of the Shanghai municipal government.

2. For headquarters of enterprises certified at the district level with sales income in their first year reaching over 300 million yuan since the certifying day, the local government will grant a one-time support award of 500,000 yuan.

Support on Housing

1. For the headquarters of foreign capital firms certified at the State or city level, the supporting measures will follow the regulations of the Shanghai municipal government.

2. For the headquarters of foreign capital firms certified at the district level, if the enterprise purchases office houses for self-use in Jiading district of more than 500 square meters, it will get one-time financial support of 10 percent of the house price, with a maximum of 500,000 yuan; if the enterprise rents office houses for self-use in Jiading district for more than 500 square meters and more than five years, it will get financial support of 30 percent of the annual rent for three years, with a maximum of 300,000 yuan.



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