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Steamed Bun Maker dance participates in China Art Festival finals

By Feng Hui ( ) 2013-10-16

Steamed Bun Maker dance participates in China Art Festival finals

The dance finals of the 10th China Art Festival were held in Qingdao, Shandong province, on October 14. A dance entitled Small Steamed Bun Maker performed by Nanxiang town and representing Jiading district competed in the finals.

Steamed Bun Maker dance participates in China Art Festival finals

The performers from Nanxiang town created vivid scenes and used their passionate dance to present the process of creating Nanxiang small steamed buns, an intangible cultural heritage of Shanghai. The dance won high praise from audiences.

Steamed Bun Maker dance participates in China Art Festival finals

The dance took five years to rehearse and was revised four times. In order to make the dance more realistic, the dance team apprenticed in a Nanxiang steamed bun restaurant for a month to experience the steamed bun-making process.



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