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Jiading welcomes ‘wisdom city’ visitors

( ) 2014-02-07

Jiading welcomes ‘wisdom city’ visitors

Vistors try the touch screen to get traffic information, such as real-time bus movements or the expected arrival time of buses. 

Anyone from the Jiading district of Shanghai wanting to get a tour of the Jiading New City’s wisdom city experience center free of charge can do so by making an appointment. The center is in the new city’s planning exhibition hall, on a 1,750 square meter space. Its hours are 9:00-11:00 and 13:30-16:00 weekdays. An appointment can be made by phoning 69-521-596 three working days in advance, for a professional guide and introduction to the site’s facilities.

The center has six sections, for example, one with a table model, which gives people a look at the landscaping, traffic arrangement, and education, health care, culture and entertainment facilities of Jiading New City; a “wisdom transit” section that lets people get more information, such as real-time bus movements or the expected arrival time of buses; or “wisdom transit” and “screen play” sections that let them view the traffic situation in the Jiading New City.

Edited by Lin Hong and Roger Bradshaw





Guyi Garden becomes digital scenic spot

Guyi Garden in Shanghai's Jiading district was recently rated as one of the 21 Shanghai digital scenic spots by the Shanghai Municipal Administration of Culture and Tourism, local media outlets reported on Jan 19.
