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“Yaoji Poker” makes its way to cultural creativity industry

( ) 2014-02-19

“Yaoji Poker” makes its way to cultural creativity industry
Shanghai Yaoji Poker.

Shanghai Yaoji Poker’s Chaozhou Business Headquarters Economic Park project – located in Anting town, near Shanghai’s Jiading district - has recently been given its approval from the expert assessment meeting, which indicates the company achieved a milestone in transforming itself to a cultural creativity industry.

The project includes the construction of four functional sections, namely “headquarters office, trade exhibition, cultural exhibition, and comprehensive support” in the park.

The plan for formulation of the Chaozhou Business Headquarters Economic Park will be entrusted to a specialized company, and the construction work will be carried out stage by stage, according to the manager of Yaoji Poker.

As one of the highlight of the cultural creativity section, Yaoji Poker has collaborated with the Beijing Globallink Computer Technology Co to establish the Yaolian Interactive Network Technology Co, and plans to build an off-line gaming experience center in the Economic Park, as well as holding the first China (Anting, Shanghai) Poker Carnival this coming April.

Yaoji Poker is mainly engaged in Poker design, production and sales, and successfully went public on the SME bourse in August 2011. Yaoji hasn't restricted itself to traditional developing patterns after going public, making its own way to migrate to the cultural creativity industry from 2012.

Edited by Lin Hong and Roger Bradshaw



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