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Jiading rolls out work plans for this year

By Lin Hong ( ) 2014-03-10

Jiading rolls out work plans for this year

The Jiading district government holds a work conference on Feb 19, 2014, discussing 66 major work projects in seven segments.

The Jiading district government held a work conference on Feb 19, 2014, discussing 66 major work projects in seven segments.

This year, Jiading will take an active part in the construction of the Shanghai Free Trade Zone; improve the district’s finance and taxation management system, accelerate its transformation of development modes, and promote optimization and upgrade of its industrial structure, which mainly includes further development of its industrial parks and innovative services.

In terms of people’s livelihoods, a series of high-quality education resources, such as the China Welfare Institute Kindergarten in Jiading New City, will be established, and reforms of public hospitals will be extended.

Gao Yun, head of the district, emphasized in his concluding speech that as this year is devoted to reforms, economic restructure should be promoted, including an upgrading of the city’s functions, innovations made to social management and an improvement in people’s livelihoods.

He added that reform and reconstruction of the government itself should be given more importance, in order to provide strong guarantees for economic and social development.

Fei Xiaomei, the district’s deputy head, was also present at the conference.

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