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Jiading increases services for the elderly

By Zhang Yuchen ( ) 2014-05-23

The district of Jiading in Shanghai made its position on services for the elderly much clearer recently when it made a larger number of the elderly eligible for local government subsidies, which are coupons that can be used for various care services, with their health status being categorized as “mild", "moderate", or "severe".

To be eligible for the first subsidy group, the person must be rural, above the age of 70, have serious needs, live alone, have a monthly pension below the average or standard for Shanghai’s urban area. For the second group, the person must be above the age of 70, seriously in need of care, living alone, and have a monthly pension below the average or standard of Shanghai’s rural areas. For the third group, the person must be 90 or above, with a moderate or serious need of care.

Current regulations call for the elderly with moderate needs can qualify for 600 yuan ($96) worth of coupons per month, and with serious needs, 1000 yuan, which equal 40 or 50 hours of help from community.

With the new changes, a person in the third group with a serious need of care would pay only 500 yuan for 50 hours of help, with an actual worth of 1000 yuan. The coupon can only be used for services and not to cover any other expenses.

The Jiading government says that those who are eligible should apply through their local community, and will have to undergo a financial review and an assessment of the care level. This is free the first time but may be at least 50 yuan ($8) if a person wants to apply again because of a disagreement.

The applicant will need to submit a copy of their residence permit, ID card, social security card, pension and other income certificate; medical evidence; and proof of low income.

Edited by Zhang Yuchen



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