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WHO, Jiading cooperate on primary health care

( ) 2014-07-09
WHO, Jiading cooperate on primary health care
WHO, Jiading cooperate on primary health care

The Health and Family Planning Commission of Jiading district in Shanghai was designated as a cooperation center of the World Health Organization (WHO) for primary health care (PHC) during a recent meeting. Officials from NHFPC attended the signing ceremony.

According to the cooperation agreement, Jiading will focus on the major field of WHO and national medical reform policies and do research on PHC, including a community medical care system for the elderly, rural doctor training and management, public health service of general practitioners, chronic disease services and community health service reforms. Jiading will also continue to enhance the medical exchange and cooperation with foreign countries and institutions, and to promote scientific research and training programs with other Chinese cooperation centers.

This was the 10th cooperation between Jiading and WHO since 1980. During the past 34 years, the cooperation center has conducted over 20 research programs with WHO, China’s Ministry of Health and universities, and played an important role in the development of public health and healthy city construction in China.



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