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Voting for self-drive tour routes kicks off in Jiading

( ) 2014-09-24

The 2014 voting for China’s Self-drive Tour Routes kicked off in Anting town, Shanghai’s Jiading district on Sept 13, with 66 nominated routes announced at the launch ceremony at the Shanghai Anting Automobile City.

The nominated routes were selected from more than 150 routes recommended by experts from various fields such as tourism, auto, academics, art, photography and media.

The routes cover all provinces and regions except Hong Kong, Macau and Hainan, including long-term cultural routes taking eight to 15 days, mid-term natural routes taking four to seven days and short-term gourmet routes taking one to three days.

All the 66 routes will be published on the official website ( on October 1 for self-drive travellers to cast their votes. A total of 36 annual self-drive routes will be released at the National Convention Center in Beijing on December 30.



Guyi Garden becomes digital scenic spot

Guyi Garden in Shanghai's Jiading district was recently rated as one of the 21 Shanghai digital scenic spots by the Shanghai Municipal Administration of Culture and Tourism, local media outlets reported on Jan 19.
