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Winter Fruit-Picking Tour

( ) 2014-12-08

The recent cold air in Shanghai shows that winter is coming. Jiading district in Shanghai also shows its unique beauty in winter.

The Jiading tourism bureau will recommend a fruit-picking tour to tourists.

Malu Grape Art Village

Though grapes are usually regarded as a summer fruit, they can be picked in winter now. Malu Grape Theme Park began to grow a late-maturing species this year. People can pick fresh Malu grapes at the greenhouses until early January next year. The late-maturing grapes have a couple of varieties. People can enjoy a free entrance to the vineyard before January.

Winter Fruit-Picking Tour

Malu Grape Theme Park [Photo provided by Jiading tourism bureau]

Address: Malu Grape Theme Park (No 29, Dazhi Road, Malu town, Jiading district)

Telephone: 021-59511816

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