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Jiading upgrades cultural services with cloud platform

( ) 2014-12-23

Jiading district in Shanghai launched a cloud platform for public cultural services at the annual meeting of the Shanghai Society of Library Science on Dec 9.

The platform, named "Culture Jiading", is the first of its kind in the city. It boasts a variety of resources, including 2 million digital books, 10,000 e-journals, 20,000 lectures and 20-odd databases. People can access these resources after registering with the reader's card for the district. The platform also shares its resources through computers, smart phones and ticket-printing terminals.

All the cultural venues in the district will provide reservation services next year. The cultural organizations founded by local residents can book a venue after making an online application.

Jiading upgrades cultural services with cloud platform

A?user accesses the cloud platform through iPad. [Photo/]

Jiading upgrades cultural services with cloud platform

Three residents launch the platform through PC, smart phone and tablet PC. [Photo/]



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