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Cultural activities light up festival in Jiading

( ) 2015-03-05

Cultural activities light up festival in Jiading

Parents take their children to libraries to make them enjoy the fun books offer during the holiday. [Photo/]

A total of 145 cultural activities and folk entertainment in Jiading district during the Spring Festival holiday (Feb 19 to 25) attracted more than 160,000 viewers.

Intellectual pursuit has been top priority in Jiading residents' lives, and about 60,000 residents visited the Jiading Museum to explore various exhibitions; while the newly-refurbished Jiading Library also attracted 20,000 readers, especially since Feb 22, when it opened its spring book exhibitions despite it was the fourth day of the Lunar Year of Sheep.

The district's cultural department also launched a spring drama and opera tour, staging several comic monodrama, Shanghai opera and Shaoxing opera performances, all of which add to the cultural life of Jiadingers.



Guyi Garden becomes digital scenic spot

Guyi Garden in Shanghai's Jiading district was recently rated as one of the 21 Shanghai digital scenic spots by the Shanghai Municipal Administration of Culture and Tourism, local media outlets reported on Jan 19.
